Kalarama Farm, home of World Champion Saddlebred “Harlem Globetrotter” has announced plans to celebrate the 30th birthday of the famous stallion. Proudly possessing both impressive show and breeding careers, Harlem Globetrotter remains a legendary performer and producer of other fine horses in the elite American Saddlebred industry. Since arriving at the nearly 400+ acre farm in Springfield, Washington County, Stall #1 at Kalarama Farm has been home to the great black champion where he continues to enjoy the affectionate care provided by his riginal groom while enjoying a healthy and much deserved retirement.
May 6, 2022
Ken was Professor of Equine Sports Physiology at Limerick University in Ireland. He ran the early trials of the SUCCEED formulation for Dr. Peter Bedding. Meanwhile, Dr. Frank Pellegrini had discovered colonic ulcers in horses.