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November 15, 2011

May the Best Horse Win: Congrats Stephanie & Gershwin

Gershwin and Stephanie
Gershwin and Stephanie
 We are very pleased to announce the winners of the SUCCEED Challenge May the Best Horse Win Contest, Stephanie Honz and her horse Gershwin. Stephanie has won the trip for two to the 2012 Olympics in London, which is just icing on the cake after the success she’s had with Gershwin. Here is Stephanie’s winning essay, second only to her winning horse. Gershwin is a 15-year-old, 16.3, QH gelding that I have owned since he was a yearling. Of course I think he is the most awesome horse in the world! He has earned boxes of ribbons as a successful A-circuit hunter, and I have refused many generous offers on him due to his superb athletic ability and kind temperament. Since I have known this horse, he has had digestive health issues. There was never a pattern or obvious reason, and this has been beyond frustrating. After weeks of reading and on-line chats, I began to hear about SUCCEED®. The product made complete sense to me, and I felt Gershwin was the perfect candidate to give it a try. SUCCEED® was my last resort and it should have been my first effort. SUCCEED® is a totally natural and palatable product, and I believe a lifesaver for Gershwin. He will be on it every day for the rest of his life! After 10 days on SUCCEED®, I was able to actually get on and ride. After one month on SUCCEED® Gershwin was eager to go back to being ridden 3-5 times a week. His coat is beyond shiny, and he is an all-around happy guy. My sincere hope is that all vet schools add to their curriculum a section on SUCCEED®. It was such an easy solution after so many years of struggling, and so many dollars spent. I will continue to spread the news to other horse owners about SUCCEED®. We admire our horses due to their sheer beauty and magnificent strength, but it is important for all to know the delicate workings of a horse’s digestive system. Gershwin is the first horse I have ever owned, and with me he has found his forever home. It goes without saying that I would want to give him all the help he needs. Thanks to SUCCEED®, I believe I have done just that!


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