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Buy Succeed


Week 6

Each week, rate your satisfaction with your horse’s condition in the following attribute areas:

Take a 45-day progress photo now.

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Take a 45-day progress photo now.

Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, Max. file size: 10 MB.

Please rate your horse in the following categories based on a scale of 1-5, with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest.


Please consider the following when evaluating appearance:

  • Hair coat: Rough & dull (1) - shiny & dappled (5)
  • Weight: low-weight, difficult keeping weight on (1) – Consistent Weight, Good Flesh (2)
  • Body Condition: Thin & bony(1) – muscular & firm (5)
Rate your satisfaction with your horse’s APPEARANCE on a scale of 1 to 5.


Please consider the following when evaluating Health:

  • Appetite: leaving food or hay uneaten (1) – eating well and consistently (5)
  • Ailments: prone to GI Tract upset, ulcers, colic (1) – normal GI consistency (5)
  • Manure: diarrhea, cow-patty, loose (1) – regular, consistent fecal ball manure (5)
Rate your satisfaction with your horse’s HEALTH on a scale of 1 to 5.


Please consider the following when evaluating TEMPERAMENT:

  • Alertness: Distracted & Disengaged (1) – Focused and motivated (5)
  • Attitude: Difficult and ornery (1) - Pleasant and cooperative (5)
  • Behavior: Inhibited or withdrawn (1) – Eager & Enthusiastic (5)
  • Nervousness: Spooky or skittish (1) – Collected & Calm (5)
Rate your satisfaction with your horse’s TEMPERAMENT on a scale of 1 to 5.


Please consider the following when evaluating PERFORMANCE:

  • Energy: Inconsistent, lethargic or hyper (1) – Strong & Even (5)
  • Exercise Recovery: labored respiration, sweating profusely (1) – normal respiration returns quickly, normal cooling (5)
  • Physical Ability: Limited (1) – Easy collect, extend, turn (5)
  • Stamina: Easily tires (1) – Steady and consistent (5)
Rate your satisfaction with your horse’s PERFORMANCE on a scale of 1 to 5.