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Testimonials from #SeriousHorsePeople

Read testimonials from real horse men and women and see how SUCCEED once-a-day, every day is helping them get their horses at their best.

Featured Testimonials

“I am so grateful to Emma for introducing me to SUCCEED® at Nunney International Horse Trials earlier this year. My mare, Floss, used to be very sharp and stressed about everything, and she really struggled to maintain weight. Since starting on SUCCEED, I’ve seen a massive improvement in both her appetite and her behaviour. I would definitely recommend SUCCEED to anyone with a highly strung horse.”

Thomas Heffernan Ho

Stepney Bank Stables is an urban equestrian centre situated in central Newcastle. Our mission is to engage with young people living in disadvantaged urban areas using horses as a medium to build confidence, self-esteem, resilience, teamwork skills and responsibility as well as enabling young people to access the mental and physical benefits of interactions with horses.

Our urban location creates challenges in terms of horse care and we’ve found SUCCEED® to be a really helpful tool in terms of supporting the digestive health of our incredibly special horses and ponies who play such a vital role in the lives of some very vulnerable young people.

Dotty had been on box rest following tendon surgery which was putting her under some additional stress. She absolutely loves the SUCCEED syringes and a daily dose has aided her recovery, and helped reduce the GI tract risks that box rest can present.

Hamish arrived from a very rural location where he had access to turnout 24 hours a day. Moving to the city has been quite a change both in terms of diet and lifestyle. When he arrived he showed signs of anxiety and had very loose droppings. SUCCEED has helped him to adjust to his new routine and diet. His droppings are no longer loose and his coat condition has improved. He’s much more settled and relaxed. He’s gaining fitness and muscle tone and is a huge hit with our young equestrians!

At 6 years old Ginny is one of our younger ponies and had been broken to ride and drive at quite a young age. She hadn’t had a chance to fully develop, lacked muscle tone and struggled to gain condition. After putting Ginny on SUCCEED she’s started to flourish. She’s filled out and now looks stronger, healthier and absolutely gleams. She’s more relaxed in her demeanor and has become a super friendly and confident pony.

We’re incredibly grateful to the team at SUCCEED for their support. Our horses and ponies do an important and difficult job so we owe it to them to ensure that they receive the best possible care. SUCCEED is a vital part of that care package.

Stepney Bank Stables

Stepney Bank Stables

Jesmond Renard (Foxy) arrived with us in October 2023, having had a short break at the end of the event season, ready for us to get to know him over the winter months.

We were warned that he suffers with difficulties with his skin, with it often being very sensitive, flaky and scabby, and that he always needed to wear a heavy duty fly rug in the summer otherwise he would rub his mane and tail out.  He had recently been clipped when he arrived, and his skin was quite flaky and everything seemed to rub him.  He wasn’t fan of being groomed, and would tense up and move away from you if he thought he was going to be brushed, and the same when you tacked up.

We managed all these little things carefully, and kept on top of saddle fitting, physio, chiropractor etc, but as training increased and competitions started he seemed to get more and more tense, particularly in the dressage phase, and he often had runny poo at even the sound of the lorry being started up, going to any training, being plaited the night before an event, or any changes in his routine.  He was also becoming less interested in food, which was worrying given that he was always a really good eater and not at all fussy, and we were worried he was dropping condition.  He seemed quite unsettled in the stable and did a lot of pacing around and digging up the bed.  However, as always, he tried his hardest and never complained, but we still felt things were just not quite right.  The main indications we had when he was ridden was that he swished his tail quite all the time, he seemed to get quite tense and upset easily when schooling and in the dressage arena, and he was jumping a bit hollow in the showjumping, but he still approached everything he did with such enthusiasm and tried so hard, it was difficult to decide where the problem lay.

The runny poo started to get worse until it was like that all the time, and we were really struggling to get food down him, I would stand for hours hand feeding him bit by bit, but he really wasn’t that interested.  We tried various options of feed, gut balancers and supplements, but nothing seemed to make any difference.

In June 2024, Emma from SUCCEED® approached us at Nunney Horse Trials where she was talking to people about SUCCEED® Digestive Conditioning Program™.  Having discussed Foxy with her, she offered us a 3-month trial on SUCCEED. We gave him 2 weeks on a loading dose of 2 syringes a day and then dropped it to maintenance of 1 a day, putting it back up to 2 at times of stress. It took probably 3-4 weeks before we saw a difference, but when we did it was amazing. The tail swishing had stopped, the stress reaction diarrhoea was improving, and he was becoming more tolerant of being touched and groomed. Emma supported us throughout and I was able to ask her at any time for advice.

In the sixth week of being on the trial, Foxy was due to compete at Bishop Burton in the J2*L. Emma advised us to put him on 2 syringes a day just before and during the event and topped us up with syringes to make sure we had enough to cover the extra needed.

The journey to Bishop Burton was 7-8 hours with a stop in a strange place in the middle, and he was to spend the whole week stabled when he is used to 24/7 turnout, not to mention then usual stress and excitement associated with an event.  We were very worried beforehand how this would affect him, and were frantically thinking of all the ways we could make it as least stressful as possible, as in the past the combination of things would have triggered quite a big stress reaction.  But we needn’t have worried. He was totally calm and relaxed all the time and just took it in his stride.  He never had any runny poo, he ate brilliantly and he seemed totally comfortable and at ease from start to finish.

Performance wise, he was the most rideable he has ever been in a competition which reflected in his mark putting him in the top 10 after dressage. He stormed around the cross country and recovered very quickly despite the course being long and hilly.  Show jumping has always been his weakest link but he came out on the final day jumping better than ever, and jumped his first clear round SJ with us, and he was really able to use himself, making a much better shape over the fences than he has been able to before.

Having been so sure we had covered all bases with regular chiropractor, physio, saddle fitting, gut balancers, specialist feeds, etc etc, but still feeling in the pit of our stomachs that something was not quite right, the relief we feel now he is on SUCCEED is incredible, and he is really able to give his very best – which he does always want to do.

In addition, Foxy is not itching at all, his skin and coat are amazing, and he hasn’t had to wear a fly rug which has been great in the recent hot weather.  He is much less sensitive to the touch and happier being groomed.

Thank you Emma for finding us at Nunney and supporting us through to where we are now – it is still relatively early days on SUCCEED, and I am sure there is more improvement to come, but we are so grateful that we were given the opportunity to try SUCCEED. Feed supplements and digestive treatment are so expensive, and then to find you have spent a small fortune on a product the horse either doesn’t eat or it has no effect, really puts you off trying things. Emma told us that the reason SUCCEED sometimes offers a product trial is because they really believe in the product and what it can do. We can wholeheartedly second that.

Gut health in horses is so important, more important than we really realise, and as you can’t see what’s going on in the gut from day to day, to have the safety net of SUCCEED is wonderful, you just know that it is quietly doing its job and you don’t need to worry.

Holly & Flora Spenlove-Brown Eventing

“Having used SUCCEED® for many years with great results on our competition horses and ROR’s, I am thrilled that the results have been equally impressive on a recently acquired very poor youngster and a yearling foal who according to all the vets treating him should not still be with us.”

Henrietta & Safia Woodward Eventing

Lottie (19) and Pippa (18) are ambitious young event riders with a passion for producing top-quality sport horses to fulfill their dream of competing at the highest level of eventing. Over the past three years, they have had the privilege of representing Great Britain at three youth championships, achieving remarkable success. In 2022, they were the top-placed British pony in Strzegom, followed by winning Junior team silver in Montelibretti in 2023, and most recently, Junior team bronze in Strzegom in 2024—all with three different horses. “None of this would have been possible without the incredible, world-class training we’ve received from Tracy Woodhead and Jeremy Scott,” they reflect.

Their goal is to produce happy, healthy, elite athletes capable of thriving in modern horse sports. A key part of this success is their horses’ gut health, which they support with SUCCEED®. “We truly believe that maintaining a healthy gut is essential to helping our horses cope with the physical and mental demands of training and competition,” they explain. Along with using SUCCEED, they take a natural approach to horse care, ensuring their horses have access to ad lib hay, daily turnout, and regular hacking. “This balance is crucial in allowing our horses to manage the pressures of such a demanding sport.”

Since incorporating SUCCEED into their horses’ routine, they have seen significant benefits. “We’ve noticed less sensitivity around the girth, and our horses just seem more comfortable overall in their bodies,” they say. Their horses’ gut health has also remained stable, even in stressful situations like traveling abroad. “Where we previously relied on Omeprazole, we now confidently use SUCCEED instead.” They add, “The improved gut health has led to better nutritional absorption, which has contributed to their overall well-being.”

Administering SUCCEED has been straightforward, too. “The horses love the taste of the syringes, which makes it easy for us to give them what they need.” They also point out that “their coats are shinier and healthier than ever.”

For Lottie and Pippa, SUCCEED has become a vital part of keeping their horses happy, healthy, and ready to perform at their best in both training and competition.

Lottie & Pippa Royle

“I had exhausted all avenues with Flora before finding SUCCEED®. She was hormonal; always going off her food and not eating for weeks at a time; she would be having omeprazole injections every few months in a desperate attempt to get her to eat. She was girthy; reluctant to move forward and kick the leg off at the start of a session. Since putting her on SUCCEED she has blossomed…her condition has improved; she is eating much better and she is just a happy horse in herself I have a few sensitive horses on the yard and have since put them all on SUCCEED to protect them during their training, allowing them to feel their best and already one is putting on so much more condition than he has ever had before so it is working wonders for us!

I can’t thank Emma Hardy enough for all her help; you’ve given me my horse back”

Charlotte Monk, Dressage

We here at Elephant Havens Wildlife Foundation in the Okavango Delta in Botswana, Africa started using SUCCEED® only last November with the two most recent rescued orphans, a young female approximately 1 year old and a young male under 6 months old. These young elephants were very fragile, fully traumatized, grieving and prone to many digestive issues, ulcers, diarrhea, blockage, bleeding and others. The young female was rescued in poor condition from a wastewater treatment area near Victoria Falls and the young male was rescued after its mother likely died from drought conditions. These two youngsters came in as bags of bones with the young female even needing assistance to get to her feet once down to sleep. We were not optimistic. Today these two are both out of quarantine (after only 2 weeks-a record short transition) and with the herd on the property, swimming, wallowing and enjoying their new family. They are positively ‘fluffy’. We have never had such a digestive symptom-free transition plus rapid weight recovery in our 4 years of operation. A genuine life saver, as we were not always able to reverse the digestive conditions once settled in. Genuine thanks from these special little creatures who now will one day return to the wild. True SUCCESS here.   

Debra Stevens

I first started using SUCCEED after my horse had experienced repeated episodes of GI tract issues. It was important to give him every assistance to help break any cycle and restore stability. The horse wasn’t well and seemed to be feeling a bit fragile. My vet suggested for him to go on SUCCEED Digestive Conditioning Program, which we hoped would provide additional support. I was already aware of the products and SUCCEED’s reputation from previous web searches and having read positive reviews. I was completely open-minded and not expecting to see overnight results. I started him on SUCCEED oral paste, and within 24 hours I was very surprised and pleased at how much more comfortable my horse appeared to be. He continued to improve and looks and feels so much better. I really feel that SUCCEED will help to keep his gi tract healthy and prevent risk of future GI tract issues.

Bob Martin

We were introduced to SUCCEED Digestive Conditioning Program by our vet regarding a very high strung filly, who hated every aspect of training from start to finish. After a full month of SUCCEED, her coat was gleaming and she was back in love with the game, placing twice in 2 Irish maidens. The important of getting the inside right to get the outside to perform cannot be emphasized enough.

Lee Smyth

My husband is an equine performance medicine veterinarian. He is a big believer in SUCCEED, and I have been using it for quite some time now! I first used it on a horse that had stomach issues; I saw a huge difference and became a believer! The horses love it and I now use it on nearly all my horses when headed to a show and when at a show. I don’t even have to force them to take it; most of the time I have to fight to get the tube back from them!

SUCCEED can also be given to dogs and badgers — it keeps their fur shiny! All our dogs fight for the used tubes; there is always a little left over that they receive! Conor, my badger, well he gets his own tube daily because he is just special, and I like to keep him happy and healthy! Succeed is a great product that is effective and affordable!

Ryann Pedone

SUCCEED has had a positive impact on my horses in every way possible. From anxiety, to energy levels, to cleaning up grain at every feeding, it has been very effective. After tireless searches for a product that would help my good horse, Streak of Pleasure, (also known as “Wonder”) I was introduced to SUCCEED by Dr. Crosby and it was a turning point in Wonder’s career. I started using SUCCEED three years ago and have never looked back.

Wonder had faced some health challenges and, following those, he was lethargic during even the shortest hauls. He also was not looking his physical best; being sick had taken its toll on him. After starting him on SUCCEED, he began cleaning up his grain at feedings and had a brightness in his eye, proving to me he felt better than he had in a long time. One of the greatest benefits I have seen is that our horses always eat and drink after getting off the trailer no matter how long they have been hauled. Wonder is healthier and, in turn, is able to love running barrels again and have the endurance to stay competitive.

Jeannie McKee

I saw some of the horses Nick had put on SUCCEED® and it was just unbelievable. The changes were very dramatic. That sold me!

Kim Zito

Wife of Nick Zito, involved with horse rescue and recovery

The difference with her on SUCCEED® has been dramatic. She really enjoys her work now and has become much easier to train…. I recommend SUCCEED® across the board for all types of working show horses and any horse dealing with the tough demands of the show horse life.

John Rannenberg

Arabian horse trainer and rider

I tried SUCCEED® and it really worked wonders…. I feel like we have an advantage, just knowing what SUCCEED® can do. And the results speak for themselves. I use SUCCEED® on every horse now. It’s an essential part of my program.

Kate Levy

Grand Prix Jumper

I was skeptical at first, but I can really see a difference. You don’t have to take my word for it. You can see the results on the track. SUCCEED® really made a believer out of me. I believe in this product 100%.

Ron McCaffrey

Standardbred trainer of double world record holder, Home Bred Advantage

Many people don’t realize how digestive health can keep your horse, and you, from achieving that moment of perfect harmony. That’s when SUCCEED® really performs its magic. SUCCEED helps maintain your horse’s good digestive health, for optimal condition, attitude and performance.

Lynn Palm

Clinician and trainer

SUCCEED® definitely worked for us at the NFR. I was really impressed with how Doc stayed on his feed! His demeanor was great and he wasn’t tired.

Liz Pinkston

Barrel Racer

Is SUCCEED right for you?

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